Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jesus Christ Heals

"God Presence"

The greatest joy in living with an abiding faith that God is everywhere equally present is that no matter how much time I spend by myself, I am never lonely. I find that I am easy with myself and confident in a new found freedom. Whatever God calls me to, I know that He will provide me with the means for fulfilling His purpose.

When I retired from Clayton County last fall, I was ecstatic! Yes, the economy was in free fall and directly impacting carefully laid plans, but I was looking forward to planning my days and hours around a richer life of faith. I believe that the search for an abiding faith in and richer experience of the Spiritual Life is the very thing which sends most of us in search of a church family. Not dogma or ritualistic trappings, but the desire to know God, to experience His love in fellowship with others of like mind.

The second chapter of Jesus Christ Heals delves into our God-concept and how we form our lives around that core belief. Charles Fillmore wrote:

I am now in the presence of pure Being and immersed in the Holy Spirit of
life, love and wisdom. I acknowledge Thy presence and power, O blessed Spirit.
In Thy divine wisdom now erase my mortal limitations, and from
Thy pure
substance of love bring into manifestation my world, according

to Thy perfect law.

Rev. Claudia Naylor

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