Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Breaking Out!

Spiritual growth, stretching mind and spirit, is a keynote to every self help message in the marketplace. But what does that mean and how do we do it? Stripped down to its basics, spiritual growth means coming to a place of knowing God more deeply and learning to express more of God in everyday living.

A root bound plant is an excellent example for being stuck spiritually. A plant that is root bound sends its roots in search of room to grow and nourishment. When those roots hit the walls of the pot, they begin circling and climbing up toward the light and the source of water. In the process, they begin to strangle the plant quite literally so that water actually flows almost straight through the pot. The plant fails to thrive and will ultimately die.

We suffer a similar condition which manifests physically, mentally and spiritually when we hit the walls called "lack and limitation". We can get bound up by resentment and an unwillingness to forgive and let go. We can be bound up in a grasping, hoarding mentality, constantly on guard against theft and envy. We get stuck and caught up in the everyday "struggle to survive", to "make a living" and never lift up our eyes and see God's creation.

Where there is no vision,
the people perish.
Proverbs 29:18

If we would thrive and flourish like the beautiful creation we were meant to be, we must have a vision, a goal which inspires us with a sense of passion. It is the deepest longing of our souls to find meaning and purpose in our lives. Breaking out of stagnation and inertia will open up a whole new world of infinite possibilities!

Rev. Claudia Naylor

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