Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jesus Christ Heals

"Realization Precedes Manifestation"

It seems to me that we are often so focused on seeing the demonstration or manifestation of Truth, that we "put the cart before the horse" in our prayer work. And because we don't see the results we seek, we virtually beat on the door of God-consciousness demanding results, repeating our prayer request ad nauseam. Or worse yet, perhaps we lose faith in God.

In Truth, God never fails! Sometimes we don't recognize the answer because it doesn't look like or sound like the answer we seek. Sometimes the answer is no. But often, the problem lies in our failure to "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." (Mt 6:33)

Realization is the foundation principle of manifestation and "the supreme realization of man is his unity with God". (Charles Fillmore) Whether I pray for myself or others, I must first abide in the power and the presence of God, allowing myself to feel His love, lifting up my mind and heart into His care and keeping. With a deep sense of gratitude, I release any concerns, any requests in the sure knowledge that they are answered in God's own time. Fillmore stated it this way:

"When man becomes so much at one with
God-Mind that he abides in the consciousness
of health he enters the eternal peace in which
he knows that 'it is finished'."

Rev. Claudia Naylor

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