Wednesday, March 11, 2009

God's Spirit in Music

I have been a musician since I was five years old. I confess that I did not experience the presence of God in music until I was in my thirties. Since I am a vocalist as well as a keyboardist, I can experience God both through the sound of the music and through the verbage. When the two come together I actually feel a shiver run over me and if I'm singing I will choke up, almost to tears. There have been many times in my life when I was seeking guidance from God and found it through a song that came on the radio, or one I stumbled across in the store. I encourage everyone to use music as a background for their time of meditation. It really helps you settle into the meditative state and can help you connect with God's spirit. Whatever you do, keep some music playing during your day. I gravitate towards classical, new age, and smooth jazz, but I'm sure that God's voice can be found in whatever type of music you like. Just listen!

Carol T.
Music Director - Decatur Unity Church