Friday, February 19, 2010

Lenten Season

The Metaphysics of Fasting

Fat Tuesday has come and gone as has Ash Wednesday.  Christians around the world commit themselves to a period of self-denial lasting 40 days in preparation for the resurrection experience.  Many will give up meat or chocolate or television or partying (hence Fat Tuesday)--whatever they deem as sufficient sacrifice.   Eric Butterworth suggests a different approach to Lent:

Whether or not you follow the ecclesiastical observance of Lent, consider its metaphysical application.  Turn from the simple act of giving up things to a more positive commitment to take up the practice of high-level thinking.
When we commit to a daily study of books such as Charles Fillmore's Keep A True Lent or Ernest Wilson's The Week That Changed the World or a Lenten study guide, the Bible or any spiritually inspiring literature a shift occurs within consciousness.  The inner seeker comes to the fore, afire with excitement and anticipation of things to come.  Our entire Being hums with the energy of  "Yes!

A beautiful, if cold, blue-skied sunny day such as this makes it possible to believe in Spring.  The Earth is preparing herself to break forth in the glory of new life, new possibility.  Everything exists in potential right here and right now!  In Springtime, more than any other season of life, nothing seems impossible.  If I am willing to surrender the little self to the Spiritual, then nothing is impossible for me for God in me doeth the work through me.

Wonderful opportunities are opening up for each one of us and for  Decatur Unity Church. We must begin now the activity of planting seeds of possibility and stepping out in faith to a brighter, more exciting tomorrow.  Allow life to unfold like the petals of a lily, opening  wide to the glories and infinite possibilities of God within.
Rev. Claudia Naylor