Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jesus Christ Heals

The Fullness of Time

Divine Order is a key concept in personal growth which is often overlooked in the journey to inner and outer wholeness. When we set out to transform our lives through study, meditation and the practical application of spiritual law, we need a comprehensive focus if we are to fulfill our personal goals. All too often, personal crisis precipitates our spiritual journey with a very narrow focus: healing, prosperity, personal relationships, etc.

Divine Order is the demonstration of perfect balance in our lives and in our world. Denial and affirmation have equal roles in the healing journey, but they are most effective when they are applied across the board. I cannot expect to demonstrate prosperity in my personal finances while maintaining an aggressively negative attitude toward either the "fat cats of Wall Street" or the homeless in my own town.

Neither can I expect to demonstrate wholeness in any part of my life so long as I am unprepared to apply spiritual laws to all of my life. Eating right and thinking right are just as important to my physical well-being as to my spiritual life. If I cling to beliefs in financial or educational limitations, then will not I, cannot be successful in casting off limiting thoughts about my health and personal relationships.

Charles Fillmore said it this way in Jesus Christ Heals:

Before you can realize the mighty power of ideas
you must unify them. All must pull together.
Get you ideas in divine order, and a mighty mind force
will begin to work for you.
This divine order is necessary to the upbuilding
of both mind and body.

If I pray daily for peace of mind and heart, but focus upon news reports of wars and famines, how can I hope to demonstrate the peace I pray for? If I pray for healing even as I continue to abuse and misuse my body, how can I ever demonstrate improvement in my health? Healing, of any sort, requires perfect balance in body, mind and spirit and a willingness to grow in the fullness of Being.

Rev. Claudia Naylor

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