Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Surrender in Faith

Charles and Myrtle Fillmore founded Unity upon the power of prayer--to heal, to prosper, to change lives. We who follow in their foot steps often find ourselves struggling with the concept of surrender. To say Let Go and Let God! is easy to say, but to do it requires a large measure of faith in God. Jesus said:

Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me;
nevertheless, not as I will but as You will.

We have all faced tremendous challenges at times in our lives and have cried out to God to spare us the pain, to ease our fears and doubts. We long for understanding and comfort. Well meaning friends urge say: just have faith or God never gives us more than we can handle....

Surrender to God is not about giving up, but about getting out of the way! We are told that good can come out of bad, that the ill will of Joseph's brothers put him in the right place at the right time. When we are hurting, that's not all that comforting. It has been said that God can do no more for us, than he can do through us. When faced with loss, I can choose to act as I feel or as I believe.

The search for answers can lead us into a closer, more conscious awareness of God. Robert and Janet Ellsworth wrote in Come Apart for Awhile,

"God, I don't understand what is happening here.
I don't like it. But I know that Your will for me is good.
I trust in You. I surrender."

Rev. Claudia Naylor

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