In A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle opens with a section called Evocation. Using the imagery of an unfolding flower as the awakening in consciousness of beauty and enlightenment, he sets the stage for a new understanding of life and living. This first chapter is highly conceptual in nature and lays the foundations for inner exploration.
Most of us have felt that stirring of deep inner joy when we allow ourselves to open up to the glory of the mountains and oceans, streams and forests. I can remember my Dad referring to Sugar Loaf Mountain in North Carolina as "God's country" when I was a child. For me, the ocean brings that same sense of awe he felt then.
Tolle believes that we must get the ego out of the driver's seat in consciousness and find the place of stillness and no-mind within us. In quoting the Bible,
Be still and know that I am God
Ps 46:10
Ps 46:10
he equates the stillness with no-mind or the formless, and God with the essence of Being which we find within when we stop dashing about, seeking God everywhere else.
Rev. Claudia Naylor
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