Many of us were taught that we could only be saved through the personal petition and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus said,
I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6
We in Unity do not believe that He was speaking as an individual, but as the Christ consciousness indwelling all of creation. That to know the Father was to follow the path of the Son and the teachings on the Kingdom of Heaven.
"I Am" is the name of God in Jesus and in man; through the power of the spoken word we declare the Truth in our lives. No careless word should be turned loose upon the world or any individual consciousness in it. In Jesus Christ Heals, Charles Fillmore wrote that
When man thinks or says "I am"
he is potentially giving freedom to the seed idea
that contains in its spiritual capacity
all of Being
When we learn to energize and expand our understanding of the Christ indwelling, we give birth to a newness of Spirit and heightened creativity. We are heirs and joint heirs with Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven! Nothing must be allowed to 'stand' between us and our good.
Salvation through Jesus Christ
is not accomplished by looking forward
to freedom but by realizing that
we are free in Christ.
Rev. Claudia Naylor
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