Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Finding Who You Truly Are

Know Thyself! is one of those well known precepts to which most of us rarely give due consideration. When we cease defining ourselves by the roles we play and the image we see in the mirror, we begin to see truly.

For now we see in a mirror, dimly,
but then, face to face.
Now I know in part, but then I shall
know just as I also am known.

Who am I? and Why am I here? are questions which echo across the ages and are just as important today as they were in the beginning. I answer the questions with every thought, every word spoken, every action taken. My heart's desire is that which truly defines me and creates my sense of self, which is not to be confused with those things which I believe I ought to do and be.

If peace is really what you want,
then you will choose peace.

Eckhart Tolle says that if we truly desire a deep abiding peace, we will be that peace even in the midst of chaos or attack upon our person. Sitting alone in quiet prayer, finding peace was a piece of cake, but I remember all too well just how challenging I found true non-resistance in the face of confrontation. And I know that he is correct when he writes that:

When you realize that what
you react to in others is also in you
(and sometimes only in you),
you begin to become aware of your
on ego.

When I cast off the false images and projections of a negative mind set, I free myself to peel away the layers of limitations I've acquired over years of sloppy thinking. If I shift my focus to the good in my life, praising it daily, and begin to send my assurance of good into the world, I open the way for more good to circulate through my life and the world.

Whatever you think people are withholding from
you--praise, appreciation, assistance, love--give it to them.
You cannot receive what you don't give.

My answer to the opening questions: I am a child of God and my purpose here and now is to know more of God, to love God more and to express more of God in my life.

Rev. Claudia Naylor

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